A pool, lawn for high-octane games and trampoline were all part of the mix. To improve the flow and access to the house, the house entrance was re-orientated, a new driveway created and an ever-practical garage built. There was no compromising on aesthetics and we softened it all with drought-resistant planting that will tolerate high temperatures during the Swiss summers and the reality of more hose-pipe bans in the future.
Originally the main house terrace was five steps above the garden, creating a separation between the two. By using the excavations from the pool to raise the garden level by 30cm we were able to reduce the number of steps to three and then split these between two levels: from the house to terrace and then a single step from the terrace to the garden. There is now an inviting pull from the house to the garden.
Dining and lounging areas are located on a generous terrace framed by lush planting including artemisia, salvias, scabius, eringieum and grasses. A small wall around the terrace creates a sense of security and alleviates the fear of pushing your chair back and toppling into the planting. The 4x10m tiled mirror pool and pool house are easily accessed by a single step to the side of the terrace, yet discreetly offset from the house ensuring they don’t dominate the garden view during the winter.